Global China Services

What is Global China Services? 什么是全球中国事务服务?

Mazars Global China Services (GCS) is our global team of international experts where China related expertise, experience and resources can be shared, integrated and maximized, to better support the overseas expansion of Chinese companies. GCS also supports clients making inbound investments in China through our seamless integration between Mazars in China and GCS in other countries.

Our services:

Audit & Assurance: We provide the assurance of reliable and relevant financial reporting.

Accountancy: We provide support in accounting & compliance, corporate secretarial services, management accounting & reporting, and payroll.

Tax & Law: We provide tax advisory and regulatory tax compliance services, as well as law services.

Advisory:  We provide both consulting (focus on governance, risk and internal control) and financial advisory services. Mazars also provides advice and assurance regarding sustainability reports and other CSR related issues.

We provide global services with local solutions – support our clients directly where the customer is located.

We help our customers according to their individual needs with customised and cost-effective approach and solutions.

The Mazars Global China Services team operate in 26 countries outside China to support the development of Chinese companies overseas. We provide a full range of services including Audit & Assurance, Accounting, Advisory, Legal and Tax services.

Global Reach

+50 Professionals acting as China Hub contacts.

China Hubs in +25 countries across 5 continents. Biggest International Desk at Mazars.

Covering all sectors and all types of companies (from internal SMEs to very Large Caps).



Mazars全球中国事务服务团队 (缩写简称GCS)是一个在国际/国内商务, 税务和财务上具有专业知识与经验的专业人士聚集在一个平台上以资源共享及整体化,以更好, 更直接和有效的方式服务支持中国公司及外国公司在中国当地和在海外安全的进行投资扩张业务发展。


审计与认证:我们提供可靠的审计工作. 并相关的财务报告给予认证.

计:我们提供合规的会计管理工作. 以及对会计, 工资和财务报告方面提供支持。


我们提供风险企业, 和财务咨询和内部管理控制等等.. 方面咨询服务工作.


我们提供全球服务,本地解决方案 - 直接为客户提供客户支持





